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Cable Modem Operations Management and Administration



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February 21st, 2010
Systems are continuing to be brought up, as our site is still under construction. We will be announcing within the next couple weeks of our intial launch date and other information including service pricing.

February 1st, 2010
Still currently under construction, we are in development of a great new peice of webware to allow cable operators across the nation, with a single property, or dozens of properties, to be able to easily and successfully manage their properties, customers and equipment from one location, saving you time and money. Along with the saving, cable operators will no longer be forced to halt their own business growth due to the inability to adiquitly manage a larger customer base.

January 15th, 2010
Completed initial development phase, continuing to next phase of DirectLinkAdmin development.

Manage Properties
Store and manage all your properties easily in one place. Don't let your inability to track multiple properties keep you from expanding your business, with our system you can keep track of as many properties as you can handle.

Manage and Inventory Equipment
Keep track of all the costly equipment distributed amongst your clients, manage modems, receivers, switches, and satellite dish equipment and more. Just imagine the time and money saved when you can locate a peice of hardware across your entire customer network.

Service Levels and Diagnostics
Once your customers are active, you can update internet service levels, or diagnose their internet's performance by using our customer tool sets. Track Transmit(tx) and Receive(rx) of each customer, detect problematic network and equipment troubles early.

Trouble Tickets
Trouble sometimes happens, but don't be caught unprepaired, dealing with a dozen or more customers without the ability to track tech support request would easily become a nightmare, but don't worry, our propritory eTicket system will help you and your technicians keep track of your customers needs and troubles.

Dynamic Business, Dynamic Systems
We know not all businesses are the same, even those within the same model may have unique aspects to their business, in anticipation of this, this system was designed to allow you to customize many different aspects, including but not limited to: hardware types, and sub users.